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Sign this letter to tell Alberta’s Health Minister to fix personal care for seniors in Alberta! 

Albertans are concerned about the quality and affordability of seniors' care, especially as a result of personal care changes in home care and long-term care facilities.  

For several years, Albertans have lobbied for 4.5 hours of direct care for seniors in health care facilities, which would give our seniors the care they deserve. This call to action has been ignored.  

Approximately two hours of direct care, which is the current practice, is not enough time to provide proper care for anyone, much less a senior who may have more basic needs. Seniors built this province and deserve more from the government.  

The government is restructuring our health care system, but there is no mention of direct care hours per person. Instead, there is a certain number of hours per facility based on the number of residents. This removes all accountability or responsibility to the residents.  

It means no individual is entitled to receive a minimum standard of care. This is de-humanizing, to say the least.  

The cost of living has made it impossible to afford quality care. This needs to change now.  

Help advocate for seniors to have at least 4.5 hours of direct and accountable care. They deserve dignity, respect, and justice.


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Breaking up health care hurts seniors

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Poor staffing levels, inhumane workloads, and high costs for care are realities that Albertans, especially seniors, face every day. We need change immediately! 

For some, fixing these issues is a matter of life and death. But the Government of Alberta has made the problem worse by creating chaos in Alberta’s public health care system. 

Breaking up Alberta Health Services (AHS) into four separate agencies means continuing care is separated from other health services.  This will cost $85 million and could lead to lower standards of care. 

What the experts are saying

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Just last year, Alberta’s Auditor General published two reports that highlighted how badly our province is failing Alberta seniors living in long term care. Decades of underfunding and chronic understaffing in seniors' care were identified as major issues that needed to be fixed immediately. 

AUPE and other advocacy groups like Friends of Medicare are demanding better personal care for seniors but the government continues to ignore calls for change. Learn more

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